No âmbito do WP3-Capitalização - do projecto ENPI SLOWMED, a In Loco está a coordenar a identificação e caracterização internacional de projectos, actividades e outros tipos de iniciativas que sejam importantes para a afirmação da Dieta Mediterrânica, nas suas múltiplas expressões, Gastronómicas, Culturais e Artísticas.
Nesse sentido, apelamos a todos para que colaborem nesse levantamento internacional, registando projectos e iniciativas nas quais estejam envolvidos e encaminhando esta informação para as vossas redes de contactos e de divulgação de informação.
Formulário on-line:
SlowMed Query
Como este questionário é igual para todos os países envolvidos, tanto na Europa como no Norte de África e no Próximo Oriente, deverá ser preenchido em Inglês.
Obrigado pela vossa colaboração.
(1/8 OF 02/01/2014)
As WP-Capitalization coordinators, we have prepared a on-line tool to assist the data gathering of information about projects, activities and all sort of SLOWMED-related iniciatives you and other organizativos on your networks are organizing or taking part.
This information is fundamental to lhe WP3 goals - Capitalization, since it will be lhe basis of the
SLOWMED Network.
Please fill lhe on-line questionaire as many times as needed and forward the form's link to all your contacts operanting on SlowMed goals and objectives.
When you finish and submit a query, vou can choose to fill one more or to copy lhe link to the qwery vou have just submited.
Keeping and using again this link, you can update this data in lhe future.
Please fill all your projects data útil lhe 18th July.
SlowMed Query
"Slow Food as a means of dialogue in Mediterranean Contexts" - SLOWMED - is a ENPI CBC MED project aiming the promotion of creative intercultural dialogue with a view to consolidating a Mediterranean cultural identity based on its culinary heritage and to encourage the intergenerational transfer of traditions to young people. Considering food as "a work of art", the project will involve a wide range of artists from the Mediterranean region in a new way of highlighting the culinary heritage and related culture (for further information,
If you are responsible or partner in projects, initiatives and activities related to these topics, please fill in this questionnaire.
This data will be shared on-line on the "SlowMed" Project Web Site and database (, promoting your activities all over Europe, clustering and establishing strong connections to other networks and future project partners.
- Please fill your project's information in English -